Aadhaar software not working solved on anydesk in v3.3.4.2/153-1
An operator from Chattisgarh called stating Aadhaar Enrolment Client not opening.both Eca and Ecmp were having login issues & were not working and so she was not able to login.system accessed and found that improper updation of aadhaar software from v3.3.4.2/149-1 to v 153-1 casing this problem.QSSITV was not working. 'Authorization failed for the user' was the error we got while trying to onboard as the user's onboarding was removed due to internal software issues. Finally able to open the Eca and onboarded the user.now she is not able login and confirmed synchronization.all functions working fine. If you have any questions or doubt then feel free to reach us at www.ecmpsolutions.com aadhaarsoftwaresolutions.blogspot.com